Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Coffeeneuring Challenge 2024

bicycle at bike rack, helmet dangling from handlebar
My ride, snug in the bike shed at Geonetric

Week One

1. Wednesday, October 9 (sunny 80F)

Coffee at: Converge Cafe in the Geonetric Building, 415 12th Ave SE [round trip 4.6 miles]

1 Million Cups sign on sidewalk, steps into brick building
One Million Cups day at Geonetric!

I was Two-Days-Ago Years Old when I found out about the Coffeeneuring Challenge, an annual celebration of autumn, bicycles and coffee, on a Mastodon post. Coffeeneuring was begun by twelve individuals in the Washington, D.C. area in 2011; in 2021, the last year for which there are data, there were 329 riders from 41 states and the District of Columbia, as well as thirteen other countries. Decorah, Des Moines and Waverly, Iowa were represented, but... not Cedar Rapids! I'm fixing to change that this year.

Coffeeneuring season begins this week. My first ride was to 1 Million Cups, the Cedar Rapids locus of the Kaufmann Foundation's national gatherings of entrepreneurs. I rode over about 8 a.m., which is when Cedar Rapids traffic is as busy as it gets, but managed to elude most of it. I take my coffee black, today opting for the Colombian blend. Today's featured speaker was Shafira Rizki, whose organization Lead With Her promotes leadership by women in southeast Asia.

Lead With Her slide on screen, Shafira Rizki at right
Shafira Rizki (right) presents at 1 MC Cedar Rapids

2. Friday, October 11 (sunny, 87F)

Spiced cider at: Roaster's in the New Bo City Market, 1100 3rd Street SE [round trip 4.4 miles]

New Bo City Market, from the front bike rack
Bike parking at the Market

New Bo Open Coffee on the second and fourth Fridays of each month was an institution by the time I started frequenting the district eight years ago. In its heyday it drew 15-25 people from nearby businesses. Alas, time, relocations, and the infamous pandemic has reduced the crowd to three very persistent men, of whom I am one. Today it was just Sam and me, though Bill checked in by video call from Wisconsin. Celebrities spotted included Anna Dombkowski, the Market's new development director; former Cedar Rapids mayor Brad Hart; and Corridor MPO transportation planner Roman Kiefer.

Another 8 a.m. call meant riding through traffic, but I was lucky in finding gaps in it so I could make the necessary left turns on my . Too many cars means I'm fighting a losing battle for space, but I like having someone around to protect me from turning traffic, and to trigger the traffic lights. Today was close to the ideal bike commute. The weather's been ideal for biking, but of course our unseasonable warmth is inextricably connected to the horrible hurricanes that have been ravaging the southeast, and here it hasn't rained in six weeks.
coffee counter inside the Market
Roaster's New Bo

Week Two

3. Tuesday, October 15 (Sunny, windy 55F)

Coffee at: Craft'd Coffee Shop, 333 1st St SE [round trip 3.6 miles]

outdoor thermometer reading 39

We had a frost last night, and it was still in the 30s when I set out this morning. This is more seasonable weather, but not my favorite for biking. It was not too windy riding in; with a light coat and leather gloves, though, I was fine, except for my ears.
bike at rack and sign in front of Craft'd coffeehouse

Today's destination was meeting a friend at Craft'd, barely a block from City Hall, in the space formerly occupied by Early Bird. It was hopping when I arrived just before 9; I counted 16 customers, including some gathered to celebrate a co-worker's 40th birthday. (I took a picture... not sure what happened to it. I did not have a reusable cup recommended in the Coffeeneuring Challenge rules, but I brought by crocheted sleeve, which I'd bought at New Bo City Market BP (before-the-pandemic). 
dessert bar with nuts, craisins and white chocolate
I like my dessert bars like I like my ciites: dense and diverse

The ride home was breezier, but by mid-morning traffic was sparse, so no complications except for these garbage cans which are apparently stored in the bike line. (Garbage pickup was four days ago.)
garbage receptacles in the bike lane
1600 block of 3rd Avenue SE

Week Three

4. Tuesday, October 22

SOURCE: Mary G., "Coffeeneuring Challenge 2024: The Year of Small Wins," Chasing Mailboxes, 30 September 2024 [includes description and ground rules]

Psyche-up/informational video from Minnesota-Based Beth Bikes (16:51):

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Coffeeneuring Challenge 2024

My ride, snug in the bike shed at Geonetric Week One 1. Wednesday, October 9 (sunny 80F) Coffee at:  Converge Cafe in the Geonetric Building...