Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day weekend

With little thanks to the weather, civic life was hopping this weekend in Cedar Rapids.

Friday night Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders brought his presidential campaign to the Coe College campus. Sanders is far from the only candidate in the race, but has been generating the largest crowds and the most excitement.

A week-long heat-and-humidity wave continued:
A substantial crowd gathered nonetheless.

Sanders spoke for nearly an hour, from notes. He didn't take questions.
The crowd reaction was enthusiastic anyhow.

The New Bo Arts Fest was Saturday and Sunday. Pictures are from Sunday afternoon, when crowds were down. (They were larger on Saturday evening.) Music was provided by the Fabulous Yahoo Drummers at the little amphitheater by the New Bo Market.
They inspired some dancing among the young and heat-impervious.

Artists sold their works from booths along 3rd Street.

Meanwhile in the wonderful old Cherry Building on 10th Avenue...

...which is ebulliently decorated...

...the shops had open houses (here, Black Earth Arts):

Monday, Labor Day, began with a light rain and a weather forecast calling for periodic thunderstorms throughout the day. Those undeterred by that were blessed with sunshine, cooler temperatures--a perfect day for the Mayors' Bike Ride. They gathered at Ellis Park...

I was stationed, for the third year in a row, at 3rd Avenue and 10th Street SE. One more year and I think they award me the corner. Either that or I'll have to start tithing to Immaculate Conception.

Speaking of which, Immaculate Conception added to the Labor Day weekend festivities with a special mass at 9:00 in honor Jimmie Coutentos, who died one year ago today at the age of 83.

A little past 10, the riders' approached...

No accidents, but a close call when the driver waiting to turn left onto 10th Street suddenly hurtled his SUV into the line of bikers (who were fortuitously skilled in evasion).

A holiday weekend is an opportunity to enjoy what the city has to offer, and the energy brought to the city by hundreds (thousands?) of our fellow residents, as well as a reminder that we also need to make room for each other.

"Mayors' Bike Ride," September 3, 2013
"Indulging in Urban Fantasy," September 6, 2014

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